After School Care & Workshops

After School
Touchstone’s After School Program is packed with enrichment, adventure, and fun! Students enjoy weekly excursions, creative art activities, STEAM workshops, quality instruction, and plenty of outdoor play. Led by a B.Ed teacher, we ensure a seamless continuation of quality education from the moment students arrive to when they’re picked up at the end of the day.
The after school program operates from 3:00-5:30 pm on school days.
Number Of Days Enrolled Each Week
Monthly Fee
Sibling Rate
Enroll 2 to 5 days per week for an entire term (terms are: Sep – Dec, Jan – Mar, Apr – Jun).
Children enrolled in the After School Program are not automatically included in the special workshop programming. Children can register for the special activity workshops, but will be required to pay the workshop fee.
"Last Minute" Drop-In Care
Last minute drop-in service is available for $17.50 ($14.50 for siblings) per day. Drop-in kids will be supervised with regular programming but will not participate in the special activity workshops due to space limitations.
After School Special Workshops
There are special workshops offered throughout the year that families can sign up for. These workshops immerse students in specialty areas with professionals from the greater community. Examples of special workshops include martial arts, Mad Science, Lego robotics, and art.
After School Care Fees for Families Attending Other Schools
Weekly Rate: $90
Daily Rate: $20
Families will receive a statement near the beginning of each month indicating the amount due for the month. Payments are due on the 1st of the month.
• Yoga • Mythology • Camping • Dance • Flag Rugby • Astronomy • Musicals • Green Energy • Public Speaking • Ancient Egypt • Electricity • Molecular Structures • Ecosystems • Meteorology • Robotics • Hands-on Math • Theatre • Chemistry • Poetry

Important Notes
Late Pick Up
Students may be picked up from the after school program any time until 5:30 pm. Late pick-ups are not acceptable and families will be charged $5.00 for every 10 minutes after 5:30 pm. If a family continues to be late, they may be asked to refrain from using the service.
Scheduled Closures of After School Program
The after school program is only open on days that Touchstone Academy is open. Parents of non-Touchstone students will be provided with the school calendar. The after school program will be closed during Anglophone South School District snow days. Every effort will be made to reschedule missed workshops due to snow days.